Human-Computer Poetry Generation.
A couple JavaScript programs:
- jGnoetry - an implementation of Gnoetry (interactive poetry generation)
- eDiastic - an
implementation of a Diastic ("read through")
- WpN -
A generalization of the Oulipo w±n algorithm.
- charNG -
a character n-gram generator
A couple Java applets:
- ePoGeeS - an
interactive poetry generator using bigram word models with stochastic beam
search on phonemic evaluations.
- eGnoetry - a
bigram word model interactive poetry generator,
- a text comparer
to tell you how original a text is (how many mutual trigrams that 2
texts have)
A couple computer poetry-related
files, mostly old binaries of programs other folks wrote, though
there are also some JanusNode files I wrote.
I post at Gnoetry
Daily now and again.
Sometimes I post at
OK, later. -e.